Archive | December 17, 2011

New Four Tet

Four Tet-Moma

Bobbie D Stencil

In thinking about a gift for a friend I decided I wanted it to be homemade so I attempted to make a Bob Dylan Stencil so that I can eventually make a Bob Dylan shirt for her.

I suceeded with the stencil!

I want to make more stencils so let me know if you have any suggestions/ you guys want a poster of something

My Sister and Technology

I just fuckin’ love how everything I have been using lately, technology-wise, is coming together.

So here is the situation.

1) My sister is in China.

2) She needs help with her GRE coming up in September.

3) So we use Skype to talk.

4) Dropbox for files

5) and Khan Academy for educational videos.

It’s so cool. (: and I’m helping her.

Teaching her reminded me of THE TABLE. :/

P.S. Krypto was fucking awesome. I’ll post about that later. Listening to Tron soundtrack for now